For Information about 'Submitting sheets' see: THIS PAGE

Currently we only have a few sheets set up.
"Trogers2's" games (non-WoD) and "Ze shadow's"
games (OWoD based PnP) . For Information about filling in sheets for other groups or for information about joining other groups please check out this page.

[Note:] Each  game will have a unique feel and game style (Rolling System for example). We would recommend you to learn more about the game style before signing up for anything. You may want to ask for a sample game to see if the type of game play fits you.

Who would you like to submit a sheet to?

Submit a bio to Trogers2's games (normal, non-WoD). [OUT OF DATE]

Submit a bio to Trogers's newest games (normal, non-WoD).

Submit a character sheet for Ze shadows (WoD PnP). [Currently on halt]

Submit a character sheet to DoanLockHeart or Mopy follow THIS LINK [External link]

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