Console Commands

To activate the console

Firstly you need to locate a ‘Vampire the Masquerade - Redemption’ shortcut (the one you use to start up the game should be fine). Right click on the shortcut and press ‘properties’ 



In the top box called ‘target’ at the end of the name,  type at the end “-console” then click apply/ok. Then boot up game.


Now start up game and create a game on LAN (WON is closed down). To activate console press the “~” button, some people have told us that it only works with the “¬” button, so try both.


Some console commands.



Addthing (name of item no spaces)

Will add that object

StakeMe (possess a NPC/Player first)

Stakes that player/NPC

KillMe (possess a NPC/Player first)

Kills the target

DiseaseMe (possess a NPC/Player first)

Diseases that player/NPC

PoisonMe (Possess a NPC/Player first)

Poisons that player/NPC

DamageMe (amount of damage e.g. 120)

Will do that amount of damage

FreezeMe (Possess NPC/Player first)

Uses prison of ice on player/NPC

FrenzyMe (Frenzys player NPC)

Frenzys an NPC/Player


Throws item







FPS (Number)

Restores all Heath/blood/Mana

Kills the NPC/Player

Will restore all health/Blood points

Adds light wait to map (can't be removed)

Adds heavy rain to map (can't be removed

Adds snow to map (can't be removed)

Slows down FPS (speed of game)


The STorb is a modified console which can be used for advanced users; it doesn’t require possessing player/NPC and is mainly used for players. Unlike the console the STorb requires what is known as a “STorb prop” in the area when using commands. To Add this prop, you type in “addthing STorb” in console first.

Every STorb command starts off with ‘STCMD’. To install the STorb, you can either search it on Vpain

(Click here) or install WOD mod, not recommended.

Note : A player is given a player number when they join, the ST is always 0, the first player who joins is player 1,2,3 etc… I will be using player 0 for all STorb commands, you may use any of the players.



STCMD str 0 (number e.g. 40)

Puts up Strength of player to that number

STCMD dex 0 (number e.g. 40)

Puts up dexterity of player to that number

STCMD sta 0 (number e.g. 40)

Puts up stamina of player to that number

STCMD wits 0 (number e.g. 40)

Puts up wits to that number

STCMD app 0 (number e.g. 40)

Puts up appearance to that number

STCMD man 0 (number e.g. 40)

Puts up manipulation to that number



STCMD blood 0 (blood number e.g. 60)

Will increase or decrease blood pool

STCMD health 0 (number)

Increases/decreases health, PERMANITLY

STCMD frenzy 0 (number of frenzy e.g. 40

Adds specific frenzy number to player

STCMD Mana 0 (number)

Increases/decreases Mana pool

STCMD Faith 0 (number)

Increases/decreases faith

More comands can be found in the readme file of the STorb folder.

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