
Once the Cappadocians were known as the great Clan of Death, they who studied the art of death in order to increase their knowledge of the vampiric condition. Their discipline, Mortis, gave them incredible power over the dead state and to some extend even to their own deceased bodies. However, when the clan antediluvian Cappadocius embraced a man named Augustus Giovanni, the tragedy which would see whole Cappadocian clan destroyed during the following ages began.

Disciplines: Mortis, Fortitude, Auspex

Nickname: Graverobbers


Dark Ages
During the Dark ages the Cappadocians had become a perfect unity, as in, they were all of equal mindset and worked towards the same goal: furthering their knowledge on the state that is death. The other clans, whether they feared or respected the Cappadocians for their interests, preferred to leave the Cappadocians alone, and the Cappadocians preferred to be left to their studies, so everyone was happy and content.

Modern days
The Cappadocians did not survive into this age, however, their descendants have survived. Some Cappadocians who were not part of the main caste of the Cappadocian structure had fled west towards to Caribbean long before the Giovanni and became Clan Samedi, those who carry the face of death itself. Others who hid in the void while the Giovanni massacred the Cappadocians, came back in the form of the Harbingers of skulls. These very ancient and very angry ex-Cappadocians joined the Sabbat to exact their vengeance on the Camarilla for selling out the Cappadocians and more then anything the Giovanni for their cursed hunt.

Only those who were intellectually strong and showed the same fascination in death as many Cappadocians were embraced into the clan. Unlike in other clans however, these fledglings were generally free to go about as they pleased, provided they did not get in the way.

Due to the Cappadocian curse and their research, many Cappadocians lived in or near graveyards. However, since many Cappadocians were also religious (catholic most of the time) they often also chose monasteries or other places of worship as their havens.

As a clan
After the dreaded Feast of Folley (which destroyed any cappadocians, Cappadocius did not feel worthy of being part of his clan) the Cappadocians were as their leader desired them to be, uninterested in the business of other vampires and only interested in further researching the art of Mortis to benefit both themselves and their clan as a whole.

The Cappadocians were always intellectually strong, but their strength came from their art of Mortis, which allowed them to manipulate Death itself, whether this was the death of another or their own diseased corpses.

Because of their fascination, the Cappadocians were cursed with always appearing so morbidly pale, that mortals could easily see a Cappadocian as no longer being among the living.

Clan Symbol

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