Common issues in game...


"For every problem, there is a solution...". Lobo starts to explain:

Problem - When I join a game, the map appears to be really foggy.


Solution - This is a common glitch which most likely occurs on MD London, New York (default maps) to fix this issue, you should;

·         Alt + Tab then re-enter game, this fixes the problem for most people

·         Exit the game completely then reset

·         Reinstalling the map sometimes helps; this isn’t recommended for bigger files e.g. Maps of the ages

·         It is possible to remove the ‘fog’ option from the options menu (although I am not completely sure on how this is possible)


Problem - My items appear to be red e.g. Weapons, amour. I can’t use them, why?


Solution - This problem can be caused by either lag or when using a specific discipline (occurs mostly with shape of the beast or mist form, and even earth mould sometimes) To fix this issue in most cases requires you to simply use one of the following disciplines;

·         Shape Of The Beast

·         Earth Mould

·         Mist Form


If you do not have these disciplines, it is possible to cast them via scroll, ask the ST for a scroll of the above. If you are playing human it makes things slightly complex, however you could try the following;

·         Make your own game, (make sure console is active), open up the console and type in

“Adddiscipline ShapeOfTheBeast”.



Problem - When I boot up game, it crashes…


Solution - This problem can be caused due to loss of data i.e. game file i.e. a specific skin file is damaged or your crypt file (where your skins are kept) is damaged. In most cases it is your crypt file. If however the game crashes when trying to play SP (Single player) it is highly possible the game data is damaged, the only way to fix that problem is to reinstall game. If you do not have the game anymore, then we could provide you with a copy. Please contact Trogers2/Isador about this issue.


Problem - When logging onto Lan, the game crashes...

If this happens you are suffering from a “crypt” related problem. Your crypt file is damaged.  In essence you have either:

·         Removed a .nob file e.g. a weapon pack while one of your characters is still holding one of its contents, because the game can’t find the file you crash. The game also automatically selects the last character you used.

·         Data loss – We're not 100% sure what causes this. This happens randomly and more commonly I’ve noticed if you use a MOD. This is when effectively your skin data file loses some of the vital data and results in crashing.

Solution -  To fix this issue do the following:

·         Replace any NOB files you may have removed over the past week or so.

·         Replace any item NOB files you may have removed over the week or so

·         It is possible your entire crypt is corrupted as a result of this you will need to remove your entire crypt folder (it can be found in your main vtmr dictionary).


The easy option is to go into your main Vampire – Redemption folder and locate the Crypt folder and remove it. You will lose all your characters in this process but it seems to be the savest way to deal with the problem.

Problem - But I want to keep some of my skins is there another way?


Solution - Yes, you can either go into your crypt file and take out .NPF files one at a time to see which one is causing the crash. However if you have a massive list of skins then you’ll probably need to download .NPF editor (can be found on VPain) Open a .NPF file using this tool and remove the file which is causing the crash.


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