Daughters of Cacophony

According to kindred myth, the Daughters of Cacophony were the result of a experiment between Toreador and Malkavian blood, resulting in the most beautiful singers of the world of darkness. Though many a Toreador would want nothing more then to organize an event with one of the Daughters as the lead singer, this is quite the rarity, as the singing voice of the Daughters is as much of an art as it is a weapon.

Disciplines: Fortitude, Presence, Melpominee

Nickname: Sirens


Dark ages
N/A The clan was not created until somewhere during the Victorian age.

Modern days
The Daughters of Cacophony are scattered throughout the new world (America), with most following their own goals in unlife. Most of the clan’s members are scattered equally across all sects, with there being Daughters in the Sabbat, the Camarilla, the Anarchs, and even some smaller less significant sects. Though most who observe the clan feel it’s safe to assume each member has it’s own goals and motives, some of the more suspicious observers are worried the clan may be working towards some unknown goal. If this is true and what this goal may be, is unknown to all but perhaps the clan itself.

The Daughters of Cacophony do not embrace many childes, most do not embrace more then one or two in their long unlives. Each they embrace however, has proven themselves a talented singer. These are never very renowned singers however, usually singers who are just starting making a career for themselves. The clan used to have male members, but in a unknown even these disappeared, and males are no longer embraced by the clan.

Lofty apartments and nightclubs, places where they can actively reach out to crowds, as the Daughters of Cacophony love nothing more then to exercise their voices on a stage.

As a clan
Childes of the Daughters of Cacophony usually “study” under their sire’s wing for a length of time before going out into the world themselves. It can take as much as years before the fledgeling leaves the nest. The clan as a whole however has no organisation, each members follows it’s own goals and has it’s own motives. While the bloodline is more or less officially part of the Camarilla, it’s members can be found across all sects.

The strength of the Daughters of Cacophony lies in their discipline of Melpominee, which they infuse in their voices for a number of chilling effects. Anything from causing an entire crowd to weep in sorrow because of the beauty of the song or cause an entire crowd to go utterly mad.

The Daughters of Cacophony has such love for their music, they cannot let it go. Constantly a Daughter will hear her own music in her mind, and thusly her perception of the world around her is greatly dimmed.

Clan symbol


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